RichRelevance’s Acquisition of Searchandise – The Right Values and Providing True Retail Reach

As you may have seen, today we’ve announced some very exciting news regarding our acquisition of Searchandise Commerce. First of all, let me say that we’re thrilled about the combination of our companies. John Federman and his entire team at Searchanside have truly innovated within the Shopping Media industry, and the combination of our capabilities provides an incredible channel of value for both retailers and brands. By joining forces there is simply no company in the marketplace with a more powerful media offering within online retail. We couldn’t be more excited about the success that lies ahead of us. As importantly, the team members who’ve joined the RichRelevance family from Searchandise share so many of the {rr} values. Creating long-lasting value in the online retail world is just simply hard, so it’s paramount that our values are reflected across our core—by every one of our employees. The Searchandise product will be a key addition to our personalization platform. In these challenging economic times, Brand advertisers are being asked to do more with less, and Shopping Media provides them the most powerful tools to get more “bang for their buck.” Brands will now be able to have a true one-stop shop for their digital budgets within online retail, and retailers will also be able to add more content that accelerates the conversion cycle with their consumers. By combining search capabilities with our core personalization offerings, we’ve got a 1-2 combo which will be unbeatable! As you might guess, there’s a lot of innovation and integration to do, so we’ll have a lot more to share with our retail and brand partners, in the coming months. We’ve barely scratched the surface for what’s to come in 2012 and beyond—so stay posted. Innovation will be the name of the game for us in 2012. In the meantime, the Searchandise team, now officially part of Team RichRelevance, have made some great contributions to our Holiday Memories Blog – we invite you to partake in their stories and remember what’s most important at this time of the year, and frankly any time of the year: friends and family. We’re thrilled that Searchandise is now part of our family. ” target=”_blank”>our acquisition of Searchandise Commerce. First of all, let me say that we’re thrilled about the combination of our companies. John Federman and his entire team at Searchanside have truly innovated within the Shopping Media industry, and the combination of our capabilities provides an incredible channel of value for both retailers and brands. By joining forces there is simply no company in the marketplace with a more powerful media offering within online retail.  We couldn’t be more excited about the success that lies ahead of us.

As importantly, the team members who’ve joined the RichRelevance family from Searchandise share so many of the {rr} values. Creating long-lasting value in the online retail world is just simply hard, so it’s paramount that our values are reflected across our core—by every one of our employees.

The Searchandise product will be a key addition to our personalization platform. In these challenging economic times, Brand advertisers are being asked to do more with less, and Shopping Media provides them the most powerful tools to get more “bang for their buck.” Brands will now be able to have a true one-stop shop for their digital budgets within online retail, and retailers will also be able to add more content that accelerates the conversion cycle with their consumers. By combining search capabilities with our core personalization offerings, we’ve got a 1-2 combo which will be unbeatable!

As you might guess, there’s a lot of innovation and integration to do, so we’ll have a lot more to share with our retail and brand partners, in the coming months. We’ve barely scratched the surface for what’s to come in 2012 and beyond—so stay posted. Innovation will be the name of the game for us in 2012.

In the meantime, the Searchandise team, now officially part of Team RichRelevance, have made some great contributions to our Holiday Memories Blog – we invite you to partake in their stories and remember what’s most important at this time of the year, and frankly any time of the year: friends and family.  We’re thrilled that Searchandise is now part of our family.

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This post was written by David Selinger

ABOUT David Selinger
David is CEO and founder of RichRelevance. He first garnered international recognition as an expert in the field of eCommerce data analytics and personalization with his groundbreaking work leading the research and development arm of Amazon’s Data Mining and Personalization team. In that role, David increased Amazon’s annual profit by over $50 million (25% of US profit, 2003) setting the industry standard for recommendation services. To view David's full profile, click here.
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