CheetahMail Summit – Email, Art & Science

Over 500 people participated in the CheetahMail Annual Summit last week in New York City. RichRelevance was pleased to be a sponsor and exhibitor at the event which was themed around “The Art & Science of Customer Engagement.” From best practices to new innovations, the entire event was focused on customer relationship and success and the sessions were highly informative and entertaining. The MoMA (a CheetahMail customer) even allowed use of its highly exclusive sculpture garden for the opening night reception. As a sponsor, we welcomed the opportunity to meet with colleagues and customers at a fantastic partner event. Thank you to all who came by our booth to watch the demo of our new solution RichMail–publically launched on the first day of the conference. We couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate than with the partner who directly enabled the launch case study with one of our valued customers, which you can read here.

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