Making each and every shopping trip unique

Retailing Today just published an article I wrote. In summary, I address how second-generation product recommendations compare to the first-generation in terms of performance, multichannel potential, and personalization quality. The full article is available here. Hope you find helpful!


Driving sales in a tough economy
May 4, By David Selinger

The era of abundant consumer spending is over –– and retailers should prepare now for a possible long-term shift in consumers’ values and attitudes. A recent survey of online consumers by JupiterResearch found that nearly half of online shoppers said they planned to reduce spending in 2009. Savvy retailers will quickly adapt their marketing strategies to address the mindset of more hesitant and price-sensitive shoppers. read the article

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This post was written by David Selinger

ABOUT David Selinger
David is CEO and founder of RichRelevance. He first garnered international recognition as an expert in the field of eCommerce data analytics and personalization with his groundbreaking work leading the research and development arm of Amazon’s Data Mining and Personalization team. In that role, David increased Amazon’s annual profit by over $50 million (25% of US profit, 2003) setting the industry standard for recommendation services. To view David's full profile, click here.
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