Reflections on Thanksgiving

Thanks Giving.

I love today: The day before Thanksgiving.

Today we get the opportunity to think of everything for which to be thankful, and we have good reason to. In the retail world, we’ve just straight-up busted our tails the past months all in preparation for this Friday—ensuring everything is perfectly tuned, dialed and scaled to handle the consumer uproar which will be this weekend and the ensuing 15-20 days of craziness. Today is almost a combination of a final sprint with a huge breath out at the end of the day. “Whew—thank goodness for our amazing IT team. Let’s let ‘er roll!”
[ As an aside, top search terms for this season so far? —Tablets Rule! #1 may be TVs, but both #2 and #3 are for tablets: ipad, and tablet]

And after that breath, I find myself ruminating on the purpose of this weekend—not the materialism, but the opportunity to sit back after a great challenge and appreciate the many things we take for granted every day. My first thought is of course for my amazing family. I appreciate the friends who surround my life and who are in all respects a direct extension of my family. My closest friends I’ve known for over 30 years, and I’m insanely blessed to get the chance to work daily with two of my best friends, Mike and Tyler. Mike was my best man at my wedding and Tyler was the cantor—in fact Tyler’s father and mine were business partners for 30 years before RichRelevance even!

Somewhere in my thinking process, I realized that it’s already November 22 in Afghanistan and my mind contemplates my friends over there and that their Thanksgiving is away from their families. To them, I also offer my thanks. (As an aside, if you have a friend on deployment, take a minute out of your busy weekend and write them a postcard. It means the world. Really. 2 minutes—do it!)


Finally, my personal ask: This weekend is my birthday. If you’re a friend or a close colleague (or heck, one of our vendors :))—instead of a birthday card or gift, would you mind giving to one of the causes which is most meaningful to me? Or heck to one which is meaningful to you. I’m thankful because I have everything I need. Everything. Join me in sharing with those who don’t.

Family Giving Tree — I’m on the board of a fantastic organization ensuring that children in the bay area are supported in their STEM education efforts and don’t go without a holiday gift.
Solace International — Solace International builds sustainable businesses in developing countries focusing on supporting women and children. RichRelevance sponsored the entire cottage industry project ($60,000) last year and I visited another of their projects last year.
Potential Energy — Potential Energy distributes stoves and other clean, sustainable technology in developing nations.
Or finally, of course support my itchy-face for Movember.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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This post was written by David Selinger

ABOUT David Selinger
David is CEO and founder of RichRelevance. He first garnered international recognition as an expert in the field of eCommerce data analytics and personalization with his groundbreaking work leading the research and development arm of Amazon’s Data Mining and Personalization team. In that role, David increased Amazon’s annual profit by over $50 million (25% of US profit, 2003) setting the industry standard for recommendation services. To view David's full profile, click here.
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