Barneys New York Teams with RichRelevance to Elevate In-Store Shopping Experience

Barneys New York uses the Relevance Cloud™ personalization platform to digitally enhance in-store service and engagement through customer-centric personalization

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RichRelevance #1 for Personalization Among Internet Retailer 500

Analysis of Internet Retailer’s 2016 Top 500 Guide shows RichRelevance is top personalization vendor based on client revenues

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What marketers need to know about real-time personalisation

50 years ago, a unique, real-time personalised customer experience was the norm. You loyally entered your local store, were served by a brand who knew your preferences, offered help, and could reserve, deliver or sell goods in a way that suited you. Today, consumer expectations haven’t changed, but their purchasing channels have.

Real-time personalisation goes further than the personalised email marketing you often find from brands online. It means being able to serve relevant, compelling information during a live interaction with a consumer that is only milliseconds long. Real-time personalisation has the power to encourage consumers to complete the purchasing process and develops a loyalty that pays dividends long term.

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Making Connections in Monaco

Recently we participated in the event E-Commerce One to One in Monaco. In its sixth year, it yet again proved to be THE event for ecommerce leaders.  With over 1,000 carefully selected participants, the three-day event made for a rich exchange of ideas and innovations.

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Personalization Trends for 2016: Uniting the Customer Experience

Although we may not be flying around in rocket ships quite yet, retail today is about as futuristic as anyone could have imagined. It’s hard to envision a world without the 24/7 on-demand access to the endless aisles of ecommerce retail.

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RichRelevance and Now Interact Enhance Omnichannel Customer Service Through Personalization

Strategic partnership enhances the Relevance Cloud™ to allow retailers to precisely determine the right contact channel for a particular customer – and provide a fully personalized experience to drive contact center conversions

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RichRelevance and CNET Content Solutions Partner to Optimize Digital Merchandising

Comprehensive product intelligence enhances cross-sell and upsell with personalized merchandising strategies based on product attributes and compatibility

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State of Omnichannel Personalization

The year of 2015 has been tremendous for RichRelevance and for the retail industry at large. While I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished as an organization, I’m even more excited about the success of our customers and the ways in which they are leveraging RichRelevance to traverse the omnichannel customer journey by building personalized experiences.

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