How to Win the Hearts and Minds of Online Grocery Shoppers

The grocery sector presents some unique challenges for digital marketers impacting their ability to build profitable and sustainable online growth. From complex and expensive logistics, to an exploding ecosystem of ‘direct to customer’ competitors, already thin margins are being squeezed even further. However, with a wealth of customer data and insights, there is an enormous opportunity for grocery retailers to utilize technology and AI to strengthen the level of service they offer to their customers.

At RichRelevance, we believe the key to maximizing profitable growth is engagement; specifically deepening relationships with shoppers to become a trustworthy and indispensable part of daily life.

Using our own experience of working with many multinational grocery chains, we outline some key strategies for engaging with shoppers in useful, personal and inspiring ways to win over their hearts and minds and establish the foundation for sustainable, profitable growth.

Download your copy of the ebook here.

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This post was written by Harriet Fletcher

ABOUT Harriet Fletcher
Harriet is Director of Marketing in EMEA for RichRelevance and is responsible for all marketing activities across the region.
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