MediaPost – Consumers Favor Search For Holiday Shopping

From dedicated mobile apps to their own social networks, today’s consumers have no shortage of information resources. However, that doesn’t mean they’re giving up on search.

RichRelevance Holiday Shopping Insights study reveals consumers favor search for holiday shopping.

Click here for full article.

Forbes – Three Important Retail Trends for 2013

Rich Relevance’s chief marketing officer Diane Kegley tells FORBES, “We believe that social is going to have an increasing impact in 2013. We feel that the role of social media is to generate awareness, not direct sales. While traffic referred from social networks is low – less than .5% according to our data – it has grown 30% year-over-year.”

Kegley notes that retailers are getting smarter about how to use the social channels to generate customer “delight.” She points out how Target recently awarded gift cards to a number of customers who were tweeting about them over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. “Social media is one element in [retailers’] arsenal of developing brand awareness across multiple channels. All of these elements, including social media, shape or form the way that a consumer hears about a brand or offering. This contributes not only to awareness, but actual product decisions.”

Click here for full article.

MediaPost – Contexual Relevance in Email Marketing

RichRelevance’s Chief Scientist Darren Vengroff speaks on the science of email marketing at the MediaPost Email Insider Summit.

Click here.

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CNBC — RichRelevance Metrics Quoted for Social Shopping

RichRelevance metrics on average retail order values across social sites featured on CNBC’s coverage of “Pinterest-Powered Holiday Shopping.”

Watch the video at CNBC

CBS Local — "Facebook Testing New ‘Want’ Button"

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Always on the lookout for new ways to make money, Facebook is trying something made popular by another social network.

Just as Pinterest lets you ‘pin’ items to your own web collection and you or your followers can click through to purchase the product, Facebook is testing a ‘want’ button.

Read more at CBS Philly

Financial Times — "Facebook tests new feature for retailers"

Facebook is testing a new “Want” button for online retailers, similar to the social network’s widely used “Like”, which consumers can use to add product images to an online wishlist, in a style similar to the fast-growing photo-sharing site Pinterest.

The pilot, which will make it easier for people to buy the items shared by their friends, is the latest in a series of site improvements released by Facebook in recent weeks as it attempts to find new revenue streams and recapture investors’ interest. Last month, Facebook made its first move into ecommerce when it added the ability for friends to buy each other gifts, such as cupcakes and Starbucks vouchers, through the site.

Read more at Financial Times

AllFacebook – "Report: Shoppers Prefer Dealing Directly With Retailers Vs. Purchasing Via Facebook"

How effective is Facebook as a marketing tool for retailers? It depends which study you believe.

According to RichRelevance, Facebook is dominant as a source of traffic for online retailers, and shoppers who enter retail sites via Facebook browse more pages and make more total purchases, but shoppers driven to those sites via Pinterest spend more money.

Read more at AllFacebook

Business Insider — "Facebook Drives The Most Traffic To Retail Sites"

Facebook beats out Pinterest and Twitter for driving the most traffic to retail sites.

Facebook makes up for a staggering 86 percent of retail traffic, while Pinterest drives 12 percent and Twitter 3 percent, according to an infographic by commerce consultants Rich Relevance.

To be fair, Facebook has the most users of the three.

Still, it’s interesting to see Facebook driving so much social traffic, given recent doubts about whether its useful for retailers.

Read more on Business Insider

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