Three-Quarters Of Brits Rely Upon Personalised Product Recommendations When Shopping Online

 Personalisation drives increased spending and loyalty for the European customer, new IDC research reveal.

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Retail TouchPoints – RichContent Curates Web Content In Real Time For Each Site Visitor

As consumers continue to demand more personalized e-Commerce interactions, “retailers need to stand out from the crowd and find ways to deliver a unique, exceptional shopping experience,” said Deena Amato-McCoy, Research Analyst at Aberdeen Group, in a Retail TouchPoints feature series about personalization. “The best way retailers can achieve this is to personalize brand interactions to individual shoppers and groups that share similar preferences and/or demands.”

The new RichContent offering from RichRelevance, a provider of e-Commerce personalization strategies, helps retailers deliver these individualized experiences. RichContent uses multiple algorithms to assess e-shoppers’ specific interests based on clicks, searches, social network cues and more, then display the most relevant content in real time. This content includes preferred products, colors and styles; recommendations based on those preferences; videos; and other unique value propositions based on specific consumer behaviors.

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RichRelevance Introduces RichContent: Dynamic Content Personalization for Brands and Publishers

Innovative offering extends the enRICH™ platform to deliver the right content to consumers at the right place and time 

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Digiday – New L’Oreal Brand Site Takes Cues from Ecommerce


Responsive design is one of those words that’s thrown around a lot and hyped up as the design solution for the multi-screen world. The latest brand to try out responsive design is L’Oreal Paris.

In an effort to serve users across any devices they use, L’Oreal Paris used responsive design for its new site. The site is also designed to deliver personalized, cross-device experiences based on users’ preferences and behavioral data. According to L’Oreal Paris, the idea is that the experience will adapt to users’ needs based on how, when and why they’re accessing the site…

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