80 Hours of Consumer Innovation: My Weekend with the Pinterest API

Working in consumer innovation, I have the unique opportunity—and dilemma—of deciding whether or not to invest my team’s energy on the dozens of brilliant ideas that cross my desk each week.

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RichRelevance Announces Promotions Across Technical Team to Accelerate Data-Driven Success for Brands and Retailers

Promotions across technical team enable RichRelevance to better serve key customers 

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Retail Technology – Sweaty Betty embraces personalisation

Women’s retailer integrates customer feedback as part of strategy to deliver comprehensive product information and a personalised online shopping experience Sweaty Betty recently revealed it has selected RichRelevance to deliver dynamic e-commerce personalisation for its customers online, to drive sales and increase customer engagement.

By integrating RichRelevance’s personalisation technology online, the women’s boutique activewear retailer will be able to cross reference shopping behaviour with data on fitness wear products, the type of activity products are best suited to, brands available and product specifications to create a more customer-centric user experience.

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Retail Times – Consumers rely on personalised recommendations when shopping online, study finds

The UK leads the rest of Europe in the adoption and usage of personalisation technology when shopping online, according to a study released today by IDC and RichRelevance.

The study, which surveyed 1,000 consumers in the UK, Germany and France, investigated how shoppers utilise personalised services in their purchasing choices and online shopping habits. Significantly, personalisation is most advanced in the UK, with the majority of Britons (53%) citing personalised product recommendations as clearly relevant to their purchasing habits compared to four in ten shoppers in Germany and France.

Not only do recommendations fuel greater spend, they also drive repeat visits. The highest online spenders are also the most likely to respond well to recommendations. Forty percent of those spending over €600 buy a recommended product. In the UK, over a quarter (26%) of consumers also said that recommendations would make them more likely to shop at the same retailer again.

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Internet Retailer — Retailers boost sales with increasingly sophisticated recommendations that are tailored to individual shoppers

As soon as a shopper lands at BuildABear.com, the site’s recommendation engine technology has a sense of who the shopper is. It knows how she landed on the site, what device she’s viewing the site on, where she’s located, whether she’s visited the site before and, if she has, what she has looked at and bought. With each click through the site, the engine presents her with suggestions based on its insights into the shopper and what similar consumers typically buy, says Bryan Sawyer, the retailer’s e-commerce director.

While the retailer had used a product recommendation engine for years, it was only in June, when it began working with RichRelevance Inc.‘s recommendation technology to dig deeper into individual shopper’s characteristics that the retailer began seeing significant results from its suggestions, Sawyer says. Since then Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc. has posted strong “double-digit” sales growth online thanks largely to BuildABear.com doing a better job upselling and cross-selling merchandise, he says. And since June the retailer’s web site has outperformed its stores in terms of the ratio of shoes sold per stuffed animal sold, a key metric the retailer regularly tracks.

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Sweaty Betty ups its game to deliver personalised shopping experience for customers

Sweaty Betty customers to benefit from meaningful product recommendations when shopping online, powered by RichRelevance

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Upstart Business Journal – "At War with Amazon? RichRelevance Offers Big Data Weaponry"

Can big data help other retailers keep up with Amazon’s online success in areas like product recommendation? David Selinger, one of the company’s former software managers from the recommendation team and a small team of his old colleagues, are trying to do just that with RichRelevance.

Plenty of retailers consider Amazon as the “common enemy” and serial entrepreneur David Selinger, co-founder and chief executive officer of RichRelevance, can certainly understand that. As a former software manager in customer behavior research at Amazon from 2003 to late 2004, Selinger has been in the belly of the e-commerce giant beast.

Selinger worked on the product recommendation technology that online shoppers have come to know well—the “recommended for you” suggestions that appear like the digital shopping buddy you didn’t know you have but who is always at the ready tempting you with ideas on what you should buy next.

“[At Amazon’s recommendation team, we asked ourselves] how do we take this data and make a little bit more money, how do we apply it in this channel differently and it was really neat,” said Selinger who I met in New York Tuesday before his speaking engagement at a DataLove event. “Now it is being called ‘big data’ in the marketing and media world, but at the time we were doing this stuff, it was just kind of putting one foot in front of the other.”

RichRelevance, the San Francisco-based company Selinger launched in 2006, has especially benefited from the Amazon “big data” experience that Selinger and the ex-colleagues bring to their websites, as he says a growing number of retailers are finally beginning to see Amazon, which has been making moves into new areas such as fashion apparel, for the competitor it has always been as it amasses sales in category after endless category.

“After I left Amazon, I realized how far behind all the other retailers were,”Selinger said. “So I started RichRelevance to arm other retailers with the prediction that data would become a battlefield on which retail was going to get fought.”

Other retailers, he says, were woefully underarmed in terms of not just core technical and data knowledge but also with the business acumen to be able to turn the data into something actionable. Initially his company started out with the recommender systems which Amazon is famous for that suggest that if you like one product, you might like more.

Through a cloud-based service, RichRelevance now delivers 140 “predictive models,” which can tell retailers things such as how much a consumer is going to spend next, what brands they want and which product categories they want, giving them a better sense of who their customers are and what they will spring for so that they can market to them accordingly.

RichRelevance isn’t the only company offering recommendation technology. Our colleagues over at the San Francisco Business Times, who named Selinger to the 40 Under 40 list, have reported that its California rivals include Cupertino-based Baynote, Redwood City-based MyBuys, San Mateo-based Aggregate Knowledge Inc. and in Cambridge, Massachusetts, there’s ChoiceStream.

That said, RichRelevance has a pretty enviable list of clients including six of the top 10 U.S. online retailers. Its list includes Walmart, Target, Office Depot, and Costco as well as specialty retailers such as Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Barneys. What they want? The same type of data about their customers that Amazon has been mining for a decade, so that they too can provide online recommendations to customers.

As a result of the data, RichRelevance clients have seen sales increases of anywhere between 3 percent and 15 percent, depending on the type of retailer and other factors. Of course, each retailer wants something a bit different and it appears differently on their websites.

The retailers want to compete with Amazon and get the same type of conversion from browser to selling results, but not look the same.

“You have to get them all to this baseline and that’s how you kind of catch up with Amazon if you will,” Selinger says. “But then you have to let them customize.”

There’s a few blunders that retailers make when it comes to data, he says. One is buying tools to collect it themselves without really knowing how they can use it. The other is thinking that data can achieve things that, perhaps it can and perhaps it can’t.

The key blunder as he says it is “overthinking the problems and over-specifying the solutions when the process here is much like any other technology exploration process.” Instead, he says to think like a big data person: “Don’t overspecify (but ask a question like) ‘I’d like to within the next three months be able to better communicate with my top customers. End.”

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Build.com Selects RichRelevance To Create Intuitive, Unique Customer Experience

Home improvement retailer leverages data-driven personalization to deliver recommendations based on consumer behavior, likes and profile data

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