Fall conference season is in full swing, and last week’s Shop.org is always one of the biggest of the bunch. Partner Nikki Baird and I spent two solid days in Philadelphia to take it all in. And normally that would be easy to report out.
But here’s the thing. It was hard to get a read on the true feel of this year’s show. I’d be remiss to comment on the content of the conference portion of Shop.org, as both Nikki and I were only able to catch the opening day keynote session, featuring QVC’s Mike George. It was an excellent conversation to listen in on, and if it was any indicator of the rest of the agenda, proves NRF’s commitment to seriously upping the content portion for all of its events in recent years.
New omnichannel shopping experiences will be available at Booth #908 throughout the show
What services do you currently enable developers to build on via your API’s?
Our SaaS products offer APIs that allow integration of our personalization suite in omnichannel retail. We have APIs to integrate our applications in e-commerce sites but also mobile SDKs and APIs that enable integration into clienteling applications on tablets, in-store kiosks, mobile shopping apps, Point-of-Sales terminals and contact center applications. Additionally this year RichRelevance launched a series of DaaS (Data as a Service) APIs which allow retailers to access and leverage data within our platform to develop innovative retail experiences. These APIs, which are commercialized under the name of Build, are building blocks that allow retailers to integrate modules of RichRelevance’s platform into their retail apps.
San Francisco and New York events gather retail industry leaders to focus on delivering extraordinary customer experiences at every touchpoint
Du 11 au 14 janvier, Catherine Barba participe au NRF Big Retail Show, le plus grand salon mondial du retail, sorte de CES East coast pour le commerce. 25 000 participants, des milliers de stands, des dizaines de panels, conférences et autres ateliers autour du futur du commerce : de quoi faire un sacré plein de nouveautés, d’innovations et de bonnes idées ! Adobe l’a chargée d’une mission très spéciale : y traquer pour eux le meilleur des innovations e-commerce et retail, les tendances marketing 2015, les nouveaux services pour booster la satisfaction client en ligne ou sur point de vente, les start-ups qui décoiffent.
Experte en e-commerce et en retail, Catherine Barba assiste au NRF Retail Big Show 2015. Parmi les enseignements importants du 11 janvier, journée d’ouverture du salon, l’importance de considérer les clients comme une communauté de fans à animer, pour redonner du sens à la relation-client.
Les tendances
Now more than ever, nothing about luxury is “one-size-fits-all.” Today’s luxury consumers are a varied bunch, ranging widely in ethnicity, in attitudes about ownership versus use and even in how they want to interact with retailers and brands. But they provide enormous opportunity: The global luxury marketing continues to grow by 10 million people annually.
As recently as 10 years ago, the profile of a luxury shopper was fairly clear-cut: It was the kind of man or woman who owned a lavish penthouse condo, had a fat investment portfolio and freely threw down cash on pricey Chanel handbags or Louis Vuitton luggage.
But today, industry experts say, luxury shoppers are a much more diverse group with wide-ranging tastes and a unique set of values, a transformation that is pressuring high-end retailers to recast their brands.