RichRelevance announces ‘The Future of Shopping’ event with Best-selling Author and Retail Expert, Paco Underhill

Britain’s largest retailers to converge to share best practices in the rapidly changing omni-channel commerce sector

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RichRelevance CEO to Speak at Dow Jones FASTech Conference

David Selinger joins leading names in tech to discuss innovation and the hottest trends in data today

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RichRelevance and to Present E-Commerce Personalisation Strategies at Internet Retailing 2011

In two presentations, personalisation solution provider RichRelevance and US retailer will help retailers learn how to design, execute and achieve a successful personalisation strategy

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Wow, was full of creative people and creative ideas this year.

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You can learn a lot wandering around the EXPO Hall and talking to exhibitors. For example, the UN World Food Programme has partnered with PayPal to fight world hunger, and retailers have an opportunity to help through One trend Monetate had heard in the hall is the need for retailers to be able to make changes to their website faster. RichRelevance said mobile had been a big topic among their booth visitors.

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Wanted: Your Questions on Cross Channel Retailing for Summit

It’s a topic that is on the forefront of every one of our agendas: mastering the art of cross-channel optimization. Whether you are a big box retailer or a specialty chain, we are all confronted with the same core issues of delivering seamless customer experiences across our channels of business.

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