Get the Stats: Creepy vs. Cool Personalization

Personalization is certainly a trend that isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Website Magazine review a new study by RichRelevance and find there is a fine line between personalization that consumers consider “cool” and personalization that consumers consider “creepy.”

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I’m thrilled to introduce today’s featured company on the Growthverse Spotlight: RichRelevance. I go way back with the founder of RichRelevance, David “Selly” Selinger, so naturally I was excited to see RichRelevance was part of the Growthverse. We had the chance to catch up with Chief Product Officer Mahesh Tyagarajan to hear some of his insights on marketing automation and the customer experience.

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Perfecting Personalization: 4 Retail Success Stories

For retailers large and small, it’s no longer a question of whether to personalize their customer engagement. The questions now revolve around how much personalization, and what kinds, are most effective. In essence, retailers need to “personalize” their personalization efforts, continuously adjusting and fine-tuning them to ensure they don’t cross the line that separates “helpful” from “creepy.”

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The New Tech – Personalisation – perfecting customer service

As competition increases more than ever in the digital space, retailers must provide a seamless personalised experience to engage shoppers. Drapers explore what some tech savvy retailers are doing with personalisation and how this is benefiting the customer experience of their shoppers.

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The personal pitch

E-retailers increasingly realize the importance of using data about their shoppers to connect on a personal level, but challenges persist.

Getting to know customers is easier than ever, even if most e-retailers never meet them. Consumers leave behind a mountain of data when they browse, buy or otherwise interact with a merchant online, and e-retailers can draw insights from that data to personalize future product recommendations and promotions to consumers’ interests, leading to sales and increased loyalty.

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What marketers need to know about real-time personalisation

50 years ago, a unique, real-time personalised customer experience was the norm. You loyally entered your local store, were served by a brand who knew your preferences, offered help, and could reserve, deliver or sell goods in a way that suited you. Today, consumer expectations haven’t changed, but their purchasing channels have.

Real-time personalisation goes further than the personalised email marketing you often find from brands online. It means being able to serve relevant, compelling information during a live interaction with a consumer that is only milliseconds long. Real-time personalisation has the power to encourage consumers to complete the purchasing process and develops a loyalty that pays dividends long term.

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Retail Week Customer Experience Awards 2016

RichRelevance has been shortlisted for TWO Retail Week Customer Experience Awards 2016. We are thrilled about showcasing our omnichannel personalisation work with Monsoon Accessorize, and look forward to the event in London this June! Find out more here.

What does ‘digital transformation’ really mean?

What does digital transformation really mean and what is the impact for companies of a ‘digital first’ strategy? In this article Marketing Week looks at several companies who have executed digital transformation including RichRelevance customer, Shop Direct and how they transformed their business from 72% catalogue sales to 100% online in just 3 years with the help of user experience, data analytics and personalization.

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