iMedia Connection – How to Measure and Influence Brand Awareness Online

Whether a product sells online or not, its presence there can give a huge boost to overall sales. But how do you know which tactics work best? RichRelevance provides some insights into gauging effectiveness.

RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley and Sr. Market Analyst Sean Pfister shared how brands can measure and influence awareness online at the recent iMedia Brand Summit.

Read the full article here.

Internet Retailing – One in Four eCommerce Shopping Sessions on Boxing Day Were on Mobile

Once again, mobile commerce has shown itself to play a critical role in the online retail experience, particularly during peak shopping periods. In a new Shopping Insights study released this week, RichRelevance, a leading provider of personalisation for online retailers, has reported that mobile was a predominant driver of online shopping in December, with more than one in four shopping sessions taking place on a mobile device.

The report also found that Apple iOS devices accounted for 85% of mobile purchases in December 2012—a measurable decline when compared to the same period in 2011…

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RichRelevance’s Shopping Insights™ Study Shows One in Four Boxing Day Visits Took Place on a Mobile Device

Study reveals that share of mobile sales on iOS devices dropped 12% in year-over-year comparisons, giving way to the Android platform.

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The Guardian – Why big data means big business for online retailers

RichRelevance CEO, David Selinger, offers advice on how companies can use data to increase customer spending and improve retention rates.

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Forbes – Three Important Retail Trends for 2013

Rich Relevance’s chief marketing officer Diane Kegley tells FORBES, “We believe that social is going to have an increasing impact in 2013. We feel that the role of social media is to generate awareness, not direct sales. While traffic referred from social networks is low – less than .5% according to our data – it has grown 30% year-over-year.”

Kegley notes that retailers are getting smarter about how to use the social channels to generate customer “delight.” She points out how Target recently awarded gift cards to a number of customers who were tweeting about them over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. “Social media is one element in [retailers’] arsenal of developing brand awareness across multiple channels. All of these elements, including social media, shape or form the way that a consumer hears about a brand or offering. This contributes not only to awareness, but actual product decisions.”

Click here for full article.

RichRelevance Shopper Insights Reveal New Consumer Patterns Emerging for Holiday 2012

New 2012 Holiday Shopping Insights Study identifies top trends in mobile, social and regional shopping

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MediaPost – Contexual Relevance in Email Marketing

RichRelevance’s Chief Scientist Darren Vengroff speaks on the science of email marketing at the MediaPost Email Insider Summit.

Click here.

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Reflections on Thanksgiving

Thanks Giving.

I love today: The day before Thanksgiving.

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