MultiChannel Merchant – Mapping the Mobile Millennial this Holiday Season

It will be no surprise that millennials will be on their smartphone this holiday season, but how millennials intersect mobile and in-store generates some surprising results, according to an infographic by Rich Relevance.

Read More – Six conseils pour une saison spectaculaire

Alors que vous vous apprêtez à affronter les ventes de Noël et les soldes d’hiver, assurez vous d’adopter les bonnes stratégies pour que vos clients restent fidèles à votre marque pendant la période la plus cruciale de l’année.

1- Exploitez le Big Data et la personnalisation afin de placer le client au centre de votre stratégie, indépendamment du canal.

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RichRelevance Study Reveals Mobile Generation Gap This Holiday

Survey of 1,000 American shoppers shows that mobile phones are primarily used to research, browse and compare—not make a purchase

Two of out 3 Millennials will use mobile phones to research items before they buy them in the store this holiday—up significantly from last year


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Fierce Retail – 72% of millennials plan to use mobile phones to shop this holiday

The use of mobile in holiday shopping is much higher for millennial consumers than older demographics. According to new research from RichRelevance, three out of four millennials plan to use their mobile phone to shop this holiday, compared to 54 percent of middle-aged respondents.

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eSeller – Top tips for ensuring a Black Friday boom

With last year’s Black Friday sales rising by almost 20% online and 3% in store from the previous year, any retailers without strategies in place to connect with consumers across all channels will lose out on valuable sales opportunities in 2014.
Consumers are also increasingly using their mobile devices to research items before buying in store.

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Internet World Business – Digitaler Offline-Handel

Wie personalisierte Shopping-Erlebnisse im stationären Handel aussehen können,zeigen das US-Unternehmen Richrelevance und das deutsche Start-up Phizzard
Das Bürogebäude im Stadtteil South of Market von San Francisco ist eher unscheinbar. Dass im vierten Stock an der Zukunft des Einkaufens gearbeitet wird, sieht man dem Haus von außen nicht an, Das US-Unternehmen Richrelevance hat dort in seinen Räumlichkeiten sein „Omnichannel Lab“ eingerichtet. Der Zweck: Besuchern und Kunden soll gezeigt werden, wie Einkaufserlebnisse im Stationärhandel künftig persönlicher gestaltet werden können – unter Einsatz von Tablets, Smartphones, Beacons, Touchscreens und Scannern.

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Retail Technology – Omnichannel personalisation for Galeries Lafayette

French department store delivers more targeted experience to consumers across multiple channels

French upmarket department store Galeries Lafayette has invested in technology that allows it to up-sell and cross-sell shopper-specific merchandise to increase sales and average order value (AOV).

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