Luxury Daily – Showrooming fears displaced by Webrooming cheers: L2

Not long ago retailers were afraid that showrooming would gut in-store profits, but now the implications of the trend seem to have reversed, according to a new report by L2 and RichRelevance.

Unlike “showrooming” where consumers let in-store prices duke it out with discounted online prices, “Webrooming” occurs when consumers research online before shopping in-store. However, many retailers are failing to provide consumers with the resources they need to make Webrooming a seamless affair, and are losing sales in the process.

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Fashion Times – Webrooming Trend Brings Shoppers Back To Brick-And-Mortar Stores

It wasn’t long ago that retailers were fervently trying to combat showrooming out of fear that it would take away from their in-store profits.

But now, according to a new report by L2 and RichRelevance, it seems as if this trend is already being reversed. This new research shows that webrooming, the practice of researching items online and then purchasing them in-store, has been gaining in popularity lately.

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L2 Releases INTELLIGENCE REPORT: OMNICHANNEL in Partnership with RichRelevance

New York, NY and San Francisco, CA – July 30, 2014 – A decade of omnichannel investments such as cross-channel inventory management and ship from store capabilities are paying dividends for retail giants as they reshape their brick and mortar footprint. In 2013 the showrooming phenomenon, consumers browsing products in store and purchasing online, garnered a great deal of media attention but now the tides have turned: data suggests consumers are more prone to “webrooming” – researching online or on mobile and purchasing in-store.

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Mobile Marketing – Spotlight: Rich Relevance

When discussing the role mobile plays in the retail experience, one word crops up again and again – omnichannel. Most retailers now realise that mobile, ‘big web’ and physical stores don’t exist in isolation. Customers research online and buy in store, just as they research and compare prices on their phone in store, before deciding whether to buy there and then or go somewhere else, digitally or physically, to get the item cheaper.

Read more and RichRelevance Team to Share Lessons Learned In Data-Driven Personalization at Online Merchandising Workshop

San Francisco, CA – July 15, 2014 –– RichRelevance®, the global leader in omnichannel personalization, will join at the 2014 Online Merchandising Workshop for a general session presentation on Lessons Learned in Data-Driven Personalization.

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L2 – Interview with Diane Kegley of RichRelevance

At L2’s Omnichannel Breakfast, RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley spoke about a class of informed super-shoppers, who use mobile and online product research to compliment their in-store and e-commerce experience. RichRelevance creates customized omnichannel experiences for more than 175 global brands. Read more

Internet Retailing – RichRelevance lance Relevance in Store

RichRelevance, leader mondial des solutions de personnalisation omnicanal, annonce Relevance in Store, une solution qui permet de créer rapidement des applications personnalisées qui guident les consommateurs dans le magasin et les incitent à acheter.

Relevance in Store, permettra, via la plate-forme DataMesh de RichRelevance et une équipe de spécialistes de l’analyse des données, de fusionner des sources de données en ligne et hors ligne afin de créer rapidement des applications personnalisées en boutique.

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ITR News – Relevance in Store, un dispositif pour personnaliser les points de contact avec les clients en magasins

RichRelevance vient de lever le voile sur une nouvelle solution baptisée “Relevance in Store” censée faciliter la découverte de produits et les ventes en magasins.
Avec “Relevance in Store”, RichRelevance compte optimiser la personnalisation de tous les points de contact avec les clients en magasins et permettre aux commerçants d’attirer les acheteurs, tout en renforçant le rôle des employés.

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