Forrester’s Total Economic Impact™ Study

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6 Strategies for Segmenting Website Visitors for Real-Time Personalization

Sophisticated marketing strategies like real-time website personalization have gone mainstream. More than half (58 percent) of marketers in a survey by Researchscape for Evergage reported they were already using real-time personalization strategies — loosely defined as personalizing the types of web messages and content visitors view based on their location or navigation behavior. Of those who weren’t already using personalization strategies, 80 percent said they planned to do so within the next year.

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RichRelevance Showcases New Omnichannel Retail at Digital Summit 2015

New omnichannel shopping experiences will be available at Booth #908 throughout the show

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Trailblazers in Omnichannel: Q&A With RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley

L2 released today the second annual Intelligence Report on Omnichannel Retail in partnership with RichRelevance, ranking leaders and laggards among luxury, prestige and mass retailers. In an interview with L2, RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley identifies trailblazers, regional differences, and what can luxury brands learn from mass retailers.

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Introducing Customer Preference Center

Like it. Love it. Prefer it: The Customer Preference Center Makes Shopping Personal

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L2 Guest Blog Post: Who Are the Leaders in Omnichannel Retail?

To be successful in omnichannel retail, brands need to combine the advantages of both e-commerce and physical retailing. The top brands in omnichannel follow strategies like leveraging physical stores as fulfillment centers and utilizing technology to engage consumers.

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