Data Drives Relevance: CNET Intelligent Cross-Sell is Now Powered by RichRelevance

Today we announced a partnership with CNET, the authority on technology and consumer-electronics products. Although most of you have probably used for product reviews or tech news, you may not know that CNET also aggregates data on more than five million products: specs, key selling features, compatibilities, and so on.

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CNET Content Solutions & RichRelevance Enter Strategic Partnership to Enhance Retail Personalization for Consumer Technology

RichRelevance to take over operation and development of CNET’s Intelligent Cross-Sell™ technology, which incorporates deep product data with personalized recommendations in key vertical categories

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Internet Retailer — "Big e-retailers open up their pages to personalized ads"

Once shunned by online retailers, ads by big brands are starting to appear on retailers’ web pages. And the ads are personalized to shoppers.

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Internet Retailing Expo Insights and Evolutions: Live from Birmingham, UK

I attended the inaugural Internet Retailing Expo event this week with half my attention devoted to spotting new business opportunities and the other half as a delegate, listening to see what is moving and shaking in UK e-commerce.

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Retailers and Brands: Frenemies? BFFs? Who cares! The Consumer Comes Out On Top!

When it comes to collaboration between retailers and brands, uneasy tension has been the status quo.  For example, the fight for shelf space between retailer’s private-label brands and CPG branded products brings out such thoughts as “co-opetition.”

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Searching for High Fidelity in the Digital World

High Fidelity [hi-fi] typically relates to amplifiers and their capacity in managing the sound output to accurately reproduce the characteristics of the input; but fidelity also equates to loyalty, and prompts the question of how a retailer or brand motivates the customer “inputs” that breed the retention, satisfaction and trust that are the desired “outputs.”

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Launching enRICH for Brands

Today we launched enRICH for Brands, a new brand-advertising vehicle that enables dynamically personalized ad placements on major retail sites—real estate that is garnering the term “Shopping Media.”

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"Shopping Media" – a game changer

I’ve had the great fortune throughout my career to have a front row seat to some pretty exciting events in the development of the Internet and digital media. This includes my time at the helm of DoubleClick, where our acquisition by Google led to the company’s evolution into what is now a booming display advertising business.

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