Watching Amazon over the Black Friday Weekend

Though I don’t work at Amazon anymore, I am still a big fan of their business and all of their products. As a proud Amazon Prime member, if I need a single 99 cent black pen tomorrow, I can get it via next day air! This Black Friday weekend, I thought I’d reconnect with my former ‘Zon Komrades by snooping on their website (also known as shopping).

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Retail Week — "Bringing a personal touch to ecommerce"

Does your website sell from the moment customers land there? Personalising the offer has been considered one of the best ways to drive web sales since Amazon’s ‘recommendations’ techniques grabbed our attention in the late 1990s.

Personal recommendations – ‘Customers who purchased X also purchased Y’ – was the starting point in this new marketing discipline, and lists of ‘current top sellers’ also began helping consumers sift through the overwhelming volume of product options at their fingertips. But much more can now be done by using customer data, items viewed, demographic data, personal interests and favourite brands, authors and artists to personalise the offer. Etailers are progressing beyond using other customers’ shopping habits, to using an individual’s online behaviour to shape what’s presented to them.

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eView: Why the Netflix Prize Is a Good Start to Personalized Recommendations

Netflix created the $1 million Netflix Prize in 2006 as a way to reward developers of a next-generation film-rating prediction algorithm.

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Contributed Article on Mashable

Today, I had the opportunity to write about the Amazon-Facebook partnership on Mashable with a post titled How Online Retailers Can Leverage Facebook’s Open Graph.

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A Little Personal Side of Personalization


Today, we’re starting a less-businessy side of the {rr} blog. Some of my friends and mentors are able to blend the blogs of business and personal together (e.g., Glenn Kelman over at Redfin!)–it seems silly that {rr} as the leading personalization company isn’t already making its blog a little more personal.

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RichRelevance Introduces RichResults Personalization Team, the First of Its Kind in the E-Commerce Industry

RichResults Personalization Team innovates a new model for collaboration – dedicated, strategic, long-term and 100% focused on customer advocacy and success

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The Benefits of Respecting the Shopper: Amazon’s Rise to U.S. Top Performing Brand

The naming of as the top-performing brand in the US by market research firm Millward Brown is truly a watershed moment for e-commerce players who have neither the long standing history nor seeming reach of many traditional multi-channel retailers.

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Respect the Shopper

Welcome to a new era of retail where the shopper is in charge. With competitors literally a click away, total transparency in the purchase experience and the ability to instantly price check from a mobile, today’s consumer is fully in command of the shopping experience. With this in mind, RichRelevance has launched a new campaign: Respect the Shopper.

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