Channel Biz – Omnichannel expert RichRelevance hires SAP sales head

RichRelevance, a specialist in omnichannel personalisation for retailers, has appointed industry veteran Matthieu Chouard as its vice president and general manager for Emea.

Chouard brings to the company more than 20 years of regional and global leadership and sales experience in enterprise analytics, CRM, e-commerce, content management and database services.

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Retail Times – Former SAP vice president, Matthieu Chouard, joins RichRelevance to drive omnichannel personalisation in EMEA

RichRelevance, the global leader in omni-channel personalisation, has announced it has appointed industry veteran Matthieu Chouard as its vice president and general manager of EMEA. Chouard brings to the company more than 20 years of regional and global leadership and sales experience in enterprise analytics, CRM, e-commerce, content management and database services.
Most recently, Chouard served as vice president of sales at SAP, where he headed up the global analytics software team across the EMEA and APAC regions. He has also held various senior management roles at KXEN (acquired by SAP in 2013), Cameleon Software (acquired by Pros in 2013), OpenText, Netonomy, and Netscape, where he led regional and global teams to great success.
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Entrepreneur – Startup Founders Can Thrive in Hard Times Because of These 3 Things

You’re worried about all the wrong things.

That was how James Hong (angel investor, badass, founder of HotOrNot) responded to an article I had written two years ago about the loneliness of being a founder. The piece was a response to the hype engine of Silicon Valley and its larger-than-life founder stories — and an attempt to break through the founder norm of business always being “great.”

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IDG Connect – CMO Files: Diane Kegley, CMO, RichRelevance

Get inside the mind of the world’s top marketing professionals. In 20 questions we find out what they love most about their job, what their biggest achievements are… and what keeps them awake at night. Read ‘The CMO Files’…

Name: Diane Kegley

Organisation: RichRelevance

Job title: Chief Marketing Officer

Location: San Francisco, CA

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ChannelBiz – RichRelevance: Böhling soll Vertrieb fördern

Anbieter von Omni-Channel Personalisierungslösungen, erweitert seine Vertriebsmannschaft in Deutschland. Andreas Böhling unterstützt seit 1. Juni 2014 als neuer Senior Account Executive die Vertriebsaktivitäten. In dieser Position verantwortet er insbesondere das Neukundengeschäft im Segment eCommerce. Böhling kommt von Webtrends, wo er als Territory Manager tätig war. Zuvor war er als Account Executive bei IBM aktiv.

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