Digital Technologies, Analogue World

RichRelevance’s VP for UK and Europe, Darren Hitchcock, is quoted in the “What the Experts Say” section of Internet Retailing’s supplement entitled “Digital Technologies, Analogue World.”

“Merchandising has an aspect of being about what the customer wants, but searchandising is often driven by metrics when it should be based on what is best or new or most appropriate for that customer.

Read Internet Retailing “Digital Technologies, Analogue Word” article

How to Get Shoppers' Attention

RichRelevance Chief Marketing Officer, Diane Kegley, is quoted in the “What the Experts Say” section of Internet Retailing’s supplement entitled “Searchandising & Recommendation”

“The three ways shoppers navigate online retail today are browsing the hierarchical categories, using the search box or discovering new products through personalised product recommendations. At this point in the purchase journey, the shopper is deeply involved in the process and very open to helpful suggestions. Increasingly online retailers are maximising the powerful moment by using algorithms that will present product recommendations that fit with the wider merchandising strategy, are highly likely to convert, and will drive sales.” – Diane Kegley, Chief Marketing Officer, RichRelevance

Read Internet Retail “Searchandising & Recommendation Supplement” article

RichRelevance’s David Selinger: Why I support start ups focused on a better world

With all of the attention being paid to Occupy Wall Street and the ills of big business, it’s heartening to shine a little light on two new start up’s who are working hard to make the world a better place.

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A Week In Ghana

I had the opportunity to visit Sokode Gbogame, Ghana to see first hand the work of Solace International—beneficiary of RichRelevance’s social efforts. The following blog are my reflections on the experience working with a primary school, a community clinic and two agricultural businesses built by Solace.

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Welcoming 2011—with a little eye towards 2051

With every new year comes an awareness that the next 365 days offer us a big wide empty canvas. We welcome it with open arms because it gives each of us a chance at rebirth, to bury the mistakes and foibles of the past year, exchanging them for unbridled potential in the new.

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Meet and greet with new neighbors

A big benefit of {rr}’s downtown SF location is the variety of companies and personalities that you can connect with throughout the day. One of the rituals I enjoy daily is the elevator ride in our building because you never know who you’ll bump into.

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A Little Personal Side of Personalization


Today, we’re starting a less-businessy side of the {rr} blog. Some of my friends and mentors are able to blend the blogs of business and personal together (e.g., Glenn Kelman over at Redfin!)–it seems silly that {rr} as the leading personalization company isn’t already making its blog a little more personal.

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Vendors versus Partners

The Hot Dog Vendor

The other day I’m at the ballpark watching the Mariners get their butt kicked, and I hear that old call, “Hot dogs!  Get’cher hot dogs!”  I send money down the line and catch the hot dog the vendor chucks my way.

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