2013 Season of Shopping Insights 2: Insights Across America

Continuing our series on “2013 Season of Shopping Insights,” we analyzed shopping behavior in the top 50 cities across the US (including mobile share of views, and mobile share of sales) and uncovered some regional shopping patterns—and anomalies—that may surprise you.

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Fierce Retail – Walmart Gets Mobile Sales Boost Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday

WalmartMost major retailers reported increased sales this holiday from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday, thanks in part to m-commerce.

Notably, mobile spending reached $314 million on Black Friday, out of the total $1.512 billion spent online that day, comScore found. Plus, mobile sales accounted for $350 million of Cyber Monday’s $2.085 billion in online sales.

M-commerce sales accounted for nearly 21 percent of total Black Friday online sales and 17 percent of Cyber Monday sales.

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2013 Season of Shopping Insights: Shoppers Less Responsive to Retailers’ Day-Specific Promotions though Cyber Monday Gains Ground

As a data-driven company that derives relevant shopping insights  from the billions of shopping sessions we touch each year, we wanted to assemble a series of interesting take-aways that showcase notable trends of the all-important holiday shopping season.

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AllTwitter – Facebook Leads Pinterest, Twitter For Social Shopping Impact As New Contender Emerges

Which social media channels are driving traffic and conversions for retail websites?

In an updated studyRichRelevance tracked more than 689 million shopping sessions between January and September 2013, and discovered that Facebook continues to dominate, with both Pinterest and (especially) Twitter some way behind. Indeed, it’s a surprising new contender that’s putting the most pressure on Facebook – and I can almost guarantee that it isn’t the one that you’re thinking of.

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Financial Times — Retailers pin festive hopes on Pinterest

Retailers are pinning some of their Christmas hopes on Pinterest, the digital media site. If Facebook is about friends and Twitter is about interests, then Pinterest is about things – and that is a welcome discovery for stores looking for ways to fuse social media and ecommerce.

A loosely organised digital pinboard, Pinterest lets users post images of products they like, compile wish lists and browse the choices of others. Recent hits include a Gap striped hoodie, Tory Burch boots and a do-it-yourself picture frame made from Popsicle sticks.

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NACD – In Conversation With David Selinger

Throughout Monday’s plenary sessions, a key message from panelists was the need for directors to blend quantitative—harder—data with qualitative—softer—complements. For example, a focus on shareholder return but with a stakeholder view, the intersection of situational awareness and the ability to use intuition, or the need to harness qualitative data with application of context. In an interview with Jeffrey M. Cunningham, managing director and senior advisor of the National Association of Corporate Directors, RichRelevance Co-founder and CEO David Selinger shared how directors can bring big data into the boardroom.

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WWD – Smartphones Can Boost In-Store Experience

The average U.S. shopper may well be checking her cell phone while shopping for apparel in-store. But she’s not necessarily showrooming for a better deal online. Today’s savvy retailers are enhancing the in-store shopping experience with mobile functions that can direct shoppers to specific items in a big store, send valuable instant coupons and more.

Such mobile functions make sense, considering the majority (61%) of cell phone users in the U.S. have smartphones, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. But until recently, retailers had primarily viewed mobile as a separate selling channel.

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Big Data: Principles and Examples Vol. 4

In this volume, we conclude with Privacy and Security.

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