RichRelevance to Host “Future of Shopping” Event in New York City

Program headlined by best-selling author and retail expert Paco Underhill in conversation with veteran and RichRelevance CEO David Selinger

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Re-cap and Insights from Future of Shopping in London

London may be gearing up to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee but here at RichRelevance UK, we’re still riding high on the momentum from last week’s Future of Shopping event!

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Meet Today’s Super Consumer: She’s Redefining The Future of Shopping

We are in the midst of a technological revolution affecting everything about the shopping process: the simultaneous explosion of social, mobile and local technologies. It is in these transition points where our business decisions have the most impact—where companies are made and lost.

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RichRelevance announces ‘The Future of Shopping’ event with Best-selling Author and Retail Expert, Paco Underhill

Britain’s largest retailers to converge to share best practices in the rapidly changing omni-channel commerce sector

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Why digital ad targeting is failing

Chief Evangelist Jake Bailey discusses how to help the industry fully leverage data surrounding ad context and consumer behavior on iMedia Connection.

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How to Find Your Audience with Retail Targeting

Chief Evangelist Jake Bailey talks retail targeting on iMedia Connection.

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Another Pillar of the Shopping Experience – Personalized!

I’m proud to announce that RichRelevance took another leap ahead today in bringing dynamic personalization to retail, this time focusing on promotions with the introduction of RichPromo™

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RichRelevance Introduces RichPromo™: Dynamic Campaign Targeting for Retailers

Innovative offering helps retailers provide a more engaging shopping experience by delivering the most relevant campaigns (promotions, local deals, loyalty bonus offers) to target customer segments

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