Retailers and Brands: Frenemies? BFFs? Who cares! The Consumer Comes Out On Top!

When it comes to collaboration between retailers and brands, uneasy tension has been the status quo.  For example, the fight for shelf space between retailer’s private-label brands and CPG branded products brings out such thoughts as “co-opetition.”

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Choose Your Own 2D Marketing Adventure: 7 Quick Tips for QR Codes

Just like the popular children’s gamebook series from the 1980’s “Choose Your Own Adventure,” the world of QR marketing offers many paths to choose from, and is fraught with both landmines and opportunities.

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Why You Need a Virtual Goods Strategy Today

The virtual goods market is expected to exceed $2 billion this year.  Are you ready to make the most of this hot e-commerce trend?

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Swapping ROI for LTV: Optimizing the Return of Your Best Customers

Most of us who manage marketing campaigns in ecommerce get caught up in the daily grind of writing ad copy, tweaking creative, and managing ad spend.  If you’re running direct marketing campaigns (search, affiliates, display, comparison shopping, etc.), you’re likely to be highly focused on measuring ROAS, number of new customers, or AOV.

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QR Codes: The Time is Now for Quick Response

In the late 90’s, a feisty startup called Digital Convergence Corporation rolled into market, delivering free barcode scanners to subscribers of ForbesWired and Parade. These scanners, called CueCats, were kitty-shaped (no, really – shaped like a cat – so, CueCat – get it?) devices that plugged into a computer.

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CES: Not Just Hardware, But Access to New Consumers

My last week at CES in Las Vegas confirmed that everyone and their mother is buying 3D TV’s with apps, or tablets powered by Android.  But amidst the deluge of geeky gadgets and frenzied excitement over new technology, I couldn’t help but observe the unmatched proliferation of app platforms, and we’re not just talking about smart phones here.

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IAB Mixx & Ad Week Summary

I recently had the privilege of attending the IAB Mixx and Advertising Week conferences in NYC.

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Raising the Bar on Innovation

Last weekend, I had the great opportunity to attend and speak at the DDi (Display and Design ideas) forum in Sonoma, and it was a great eye opener.

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