Contributed Article on Mashable

Today, I had the opportunity to write about the Amazon-Facebook partnership on Mashable with a post titled How Online Retailers Can Leverage Facebook’s Open Graph.

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Respect the Shopper

Welcome to a new era of retail where the shopper is in charge. With competitors literally a click away, total transparency in the purchase experience and the ability to instantly price check from a mobile, today’s consumer is fully in command of the shopping experience. With this in mind, RichRelevance has launched a new campaign: Respect the Shopper.

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Internet Retailer — “Reluctant shoppers can be persuaded by reviews and promotions, study says”

48% of web shoppers plan to spend less this year than they did in 2008, but 61% of consumers who are reluctant to buy this year say web resources such as recommendations and promotional e-mails would help convince them to buy, according to a new study by JupiterResearch, a unit of Forrester Research Inc.

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The “New” Rules of Customer Engagement in a Contracted Economy

Those of you working the very front lines in the retail sector know the realities of operating in this new, new economy. And frankly, we are entering un–chartered waters as we now must market and merchandise to a new type of customer motivated by not just price but something much deeper—fear.

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Top 1 thing you can do to thrive in today’s economy

Lots of people are blogging about what to do in this sluggish economy to keep ecommerce sales up. Frequently, advice comes packaged in seemingly simple lists—17 search friendly tips, 4 quick fixes, 10 ways to boost sales.

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