Komplett Taps RichRelevance For Omnichannel Personalisation

Omnichannel personalisation solution enables consumer electronics retailer to deliver a more relevant, meaningful and memorable experience to consumers across every channel

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Retail Touchpoints – Retailers Seek Innovation In Personalization

It’s no secret that today’s shoppers want their favorite retailers to tailor promotions and communications to their individual purchasing habits. In fact, 86% of consumers – and 96% of retailers – said personalization has at least some impact on the purchasing decision, according to a study from Infosys.

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My Customer – Journey mapping essential to omnichannel success, say retailers

Retailers know the importance of delivering an omnichannel experience to their customers, but the processes for doing so are rich and varied from business to business. At the recent Internet Retailing Expo in Birmingham, the topic of how to tackle omnichannel customer experience was central to most seminar discussions. Read more

Internet Retailing – IRX 2014 PREVIEW Jane Dixon of RichRelevance on the importance of omnichannel personalisation

Jane Dixon of RichRelevance [IRDX VRIR], which specialises in developing personalised shopping experiences across channels, will be speaking at next week’s Internet Retailing Expo 2014 (IRX 2014). We caught up with her for a preview of her presentation.

Internet Retailing: At IRX 2014, you’re going to be talking about the importance of building a strategic roadmap for crosschannel personalisation. What kind of retailers need to be thinking about this – and why is it so important?

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Mobile Marketing Magazine – Retailers Struggling to Offer a Seamless, Omnichannel Shopping Experience

Organizational, operational and technology challenges are hampering retailers’ efforts to meet customers’ demand for a seamless shopping experience across all channels and touchpoints. That’s the conclusion of a commissioned by Accenture and Hybris Software, a commerce platform provider.

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Internet Retailing – Beyond Channels, OmniChannel March 2014

Great service begins with retailers being focused on the customer. But how do retailers keep that focus while dealing with the complexities of omnichannel?

Read what Pontus Kristiansson has to say on Internet Retailing



Turning Big Data into Smart Data: My Predictions for 2014 in Retail

The Big Data revolution at Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple has transformed the consumer journey across channels, and even helped turn a presidential election. This transition simultaneously poses tremendous challenge and opportunity to retailers.

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2013 Season of Shopping Insights 2: Insights Across America

Continuing our series on “2013 Season of Shopping Insights,” we analyzed shopping behavior in the top 50 cities across the US (including mobile share of views, and mobile share of sales) and uncovered some regional shopping patterns—and anomalies—that may surprise you.

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