Watch out: Here comes the iPad 3

Internet Retailer cites RichRelevance’s mobile study as the latest version of the iPad is set to be announced.

…iPad owners are retail carnivores. 92% of non-desktop online sales originated from an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch in December 2011, up from 88% in April 2011, says personalization vendor RichRelevance Inc. It studied 3.4 billion shopping sessions on its retailer clients’ sites between April and December 2011. What’s more, shoppers using Apple mobile devices have a larger average order value compared with other mobile platforms—$123 for Apple versus $101 for Android in December 2011. And that far outstrips the desktop average order value of $87.

And the tablet and smartphone shoppers just keep on coming. The share of U.S. online retail dollars attributable to mobile devices has doubled from 1.87% in April 2011 to 3.74% in December 2011, RichRelevance finds. Further, in April 2011 just under 9% of all shoppers were browsing retail sites on a mobile device. By December 2011, that share more than doubled, reaching 18 percent of all consumers.

This is all good news for e-retailers, but especially for those that are prepared for iPad owners. And many retailers are on the right track with mobile commerce.

Read the full article on Internet Retailer

Christmas in January?

I know the absolute last thing you want to be thinking about right now is the Christmas holiday, but this year RichRelevance is giving you your gift early. Today we released our “12 months of Christmas” white paper—chock full of best practices for retailers to help jump start their Holiday 2012 season planning.

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New RichRelevance Whitepaper Reveals Year-Round Best Practices for Online Retail

“Twelve Months of Christmas” showcases what (and how) today’s shoppers expect their favorite brands and retailers to deliver throughout the year and into Holiday 2012

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New Report Finds One in Four Christmas Shopping Excursions Took Place on a Mobile Device

RichRelevance’s inaugural UK Christmas Shopping Study reveals the e-commerce trends that will shape 2012

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What’s In Retailers’ Stockings: An Extra Saturday

CNBCCNBC’s Consumer Nation news weighed in with RichRelevance on the growth in mcommerce.

…Once everyone opens those new tablets during the holidays they can join the new shopping revolution: mcommerce. In the last nine months, the share of U.S. online retail dollars attributable to mobile devices has doubled from 1.87 percent in April of 2011 to 3.74 percent in December 2011, according to RichRelevance, a company that assists retailers with ecommerce sites.

The firm also tracked an increase in the portion of page views coming from mobile devices, with more than 15 percent of all shopping seasons occurring on mobile devices. This past April, just under 9 percent of all shoppers were browsing digital aisles via a mobile device, RichRelevance said. By December, the share has more than doubled, reaching 18 percent of all consumers.

Read CNBC article

RichRelevance Holiday Shopping Study: Mobile Matters

iPad and iPhone shoppers account for 90% of all mobile purchases; spend 19% more per order than Android users

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Shoppers Via Twitter Spend More, Online Behavior Impacts Retail

Shoppers who land on retail sites through Facebook or Twitter are less likely to make purchases. Their conversion rates average 1.2% and 0.5%, respectively. Per average order, however, they spend more than those who come through Google. In fact, shoppers who originated from Twitter spend on average $121.33 — the highest average order value (AOV) of all, according to a recent study.

Continue reading at Media Post

Online shoppers spend less, even as conversion rates barely change

Consumers on average spent less online per order in August compared with the same month a year ago, though conversion rates remained virtually unchanged, according to data released today by RichRelevance.

Continue reading at Internet Retailer

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