Global Consumer Attitudes Towards In-Store Technology

RichRelevance research unveils consumer attitudes towards in-store technology are markedly similar across America, Britain and Europe, except when it comes to facial recognition.

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Most retailers would benefit from staying closed on Thanksgiving Day

Over the years, consumers seem to have grown used to the Thanksgiving Day openings, even if they still have a distaste for the practice. More than half (55%) of Americans surveyed by RichRelevance, a tech company that services more than 200 retailers, said they are “annoyed” or “very annoyed” when stores stay open on Thanksgiving, down from 65% in 2014.

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Decoding Your Recommendations Performance

Product recommendations, also known as “recs,” are a cornerstone to an effective ecommerce merchandising strategy. When fully optimized, recs typically increase retailer revenues by up to 5%.

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The Six Biggest Consumer Frustrations with Ecommerce Site Search

Many eCommerce sites are actually deterring customers through poor experiences. RichRelevance has surveyed consumers about their attitudes to site search on retailers’ websites, finding that some retailers have room for improvement.

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Search issues stifle online shopping

While Google and other major search engine providers have largely perfected the art of finding exactly what users are looking for in a matter of seconds, the experience of seeking out specific products on e-commerce sites themselves leaves a lot to be desired.

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10 Top Notch Marketing Stats from this Week

Retailers are losing 32% of potential customers due to bad search results. Read this and all the other marketing stats from this week.

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The Six Biggest Consumer Frustrations with Ecommerce Site Search

Site search matters, yet many ecommerce sites are actually deterring customers through poor experiences. Indeed, a fifth of UK shoppers are not satisfied with retailers’ search results.

RichRelevance has surveyed consumers about their attitudes to site search on retailers’ websites, finding that some retailers have room for improvement.

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Is Your Site Search Up To Snuff?

Across the vast expanses of the Internet, drawing customers to your site is half the battle. The other half is helping them out once they get there.

Many, if not all, e-commerce sites have a function allowing consumers to quickly search for (and hopefully find) the products they want. And consumers are happy to use them. RichRelevance reports 83% of consumers say the search box on a Web site is important or extremely important when shopping online, and three-quarters of them say they always or often use the search box when shopping on a retailer’s site.

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