Marketing Tech – Why personalising the customer experience is key to winning the retail battle

According to Gartner, 89% of marketing leaders expect customer experience will be the primary basis for competitive differentiation by 2017. Customer experience is fast becoming the key battleground where retailers vie for our attention and wallets.

With instant access to pricing and product information, shoppers can switch between retailers in a heartbeat. Today’s consumer is more discerning than ever before, with higher expectations than ever before. As a result, retailers find themselves in a race to provide an increasingly smooth, engaging and personalised shopping experience.

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First Look at the New Relevance Cloud™

Today, we’re happy to announce that the Relevance Cloud is out of beta and available to all with the 15.02 release. This release introduces Build (API-based personalization building blocks) and delivers enhancements to our Recommend and Discover products, helping you to personalize every step of your customers’ purchase journey and setting you up for an exciting 2015!

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Webinar – Reshape Your CX with Personalization Building Blocks

Digital technologies are not only redefining the way customers shop; they are redefining retail business models. More and more retailers have started to leverage cloud APIs to innovate and build exceptional customer experiences through personalization. No longer a buzzword, rapid innovation has become a competitive advantage for many companies.

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Boutique Magazine – 2015 retail technology predictions from RichRelevance

RichRelevance is the global leader in omnichannel personalisation.Graeme Collins_700 Ranked number one for personalisation in both the US and EMEA, RichRelevance is used by more than 200 multinational companies to create a data-centric, single view of the shopper, delivering the most relevant experiences across web, mobile and in store.

Graeme Collins, head of marketing EMEA at RichRelevance, offers his predictions on what retailers can expect to see in customer experience management in 2015.

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Website Magazine – PERSONALIZATION for the Digital Consumer

Whether they are looking for a breaking news update, a new pair of dress shoes or a place to purchase airline tickets, today’s consumers can take their digital business anywhere – causing companies to scramble to find and implement technologies and strategies that can make their websites stand out from the competition.
Personalization is fast becoming the best way to do so.

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Website Magazine – The Most Common Personalization Mistakes Companies Make

With Gartner data revealing that customer experience was the top area of marketing technology investment in 2014, it is no surprise that many brands are clamoring to jump on the personalization bandwagon.
Novice mistakes, however, are easy to make when implementing new strategies and/or technologies. Read below to discover three of the most common personalization mistakes that companies make (so you can avoid making them too):
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Digital Marketing Blog Europe – Le salon NRF à New-York comme si vous y étiez par Catherine Barba

Du 11 au 14 jan­vier, Cather­ine Barba par­ticipe au NRF Big Retail Show, le plus grand salon mon­dial du retail, sorte de CES East coast pour le com­merce. 25 000 par­tic­i­pants, des mil­liers de stands, des dizaines de pan­els, con­férences et autres ate­liers autour du futur du com­merce : de quoi faire un sacré plein de nou­veautés, d’innovations et de bonnes idées ! Adobe l’a chargée d’une mis­sion très spé­ciale : y tra­quer pour eux le meilleur des inno­va­tions e-commerce et retail, les ten­dances mar­ket­ing 2015, les nou­veaux ser­vices pour booster la sat­is­fac­tion client en ligne ou sur point de vente, les start-ups qui décoiffent.

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Relations Clients – NRF Retail Big Show 2015 : considérer les clients comme des fans

Experte en e-commerce et en retail, Catherine Barba assiste au NRF Retail Big Show 2015. Parmi les enseignements importants du 11 janvier, journée d’ouverture du salon, l’importance de considérer les clients comme une communauté de fans à animer, pour redonner du sens à la relation-client.
Les tendances

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