Journal du Net – Transforming Data Big Data type intelligent data

At Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple, the Big Data revolution has transformed the consumer journey across all channels of communication. It has even affected the outcome of a presidential election.

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Internet Retailing – Deep in the DNA

Great service begins with retailers being focused on the customer. But how do retailers keep that focus while dealing with the complexities of omnichannel? Jonathan Wright asks the experts. Read more

Marketing Börse – Omni-Channel-Commerce: Personalisierung zahlt sich aus

Möchten Einzelhändler ihren Online-Shop auf Erfolgskurs bringen, sollten sie ihn personalisieren. Das belegt eine Studie von IDC und RichRelevance, in der über 900 Konsumenten in Deutschland, UK und Frankreich befragt wurden. Demnach befassen sich 71 Prozent der in Deutschland Befragten mit den Produkten, die ihnen empfohlen werden. Und das sowohl beim Kauf als auch bei der Recherche. 74 Prozent der Umfrageteilnehmer klicken die Empfehlungen direkt an, während 35 Prozent sogar spontan kaufen. 28 Prozent sagen aus, dass sie die vorgeschlagene Ware in ihre Merkliste aufnehmen und mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten sieht Personalisierung als große Hilfe bei der Suche nach neuen Produkten.

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Acquisa – Kunden wollen Personalisierung

Personalisierung ist nicht nur gut für’s Geschäft, sondern wird auch immer mehr von Kunden gefordert. Das geht aus einer Studie von IDC und RichRelevance hervor. Demnach befassen sich fast drei von vier Konsumenten mit empfohlenen Produkten.
Die Mehrheit der Kunden sieht Personalisierung als große Hilfe beim Online-Kauf an. Nicht nur das: Fast 75 Prozent klicken personalisierte Empfehlungen direkt an. Laut einer Studie von IDC und RichRelevance, für die 900 Konsumenten befragt wurden, kauft sogar mehr als jeder Dritte dadurch spontan ein, während ein weiteres Drittel sich das Produkt merkt.

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Internet Retailing – Beyond Channels, OmniChannel March 2014

Great service begins with retailers being focused on the customer. But how do retailers keep that focus while dealing with the complexities of omnichannel?

Read what Pontus Kristiansson has to say on Internet Retailing



Who’s Buying TVs for the Super Bowl?

It’s no secret that many households spend on the latest and greatest TVs when leading up to the Super Bowl. In fact, after I initially began working in retail a number of years back, I was surprised to find out that not only do people buy TVs specifically for Super Bowl parties, but some also go through the trouble of returning the TVs after their party (I know, exhausting)!

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Internet Retailing – What do UK shoppers really think about personalisation technologies?

Two stories that illustrate UK consumers’ very different reactions to personalisation emerged this week. On the one hand, a (social) media storm erupted when it was reported that Tesco plans to use face-scanning screens in its garages to show relevant adverts to those waiting to pay, based on their age and gender.

On the other hand, a survey of online shoppers by the IDC and RichRelevance found that many value personalisation technologies. The study found that 53% of the UK consumers it quizzed said personalised product recommendations were clearly relevant to them, and 26% said personalisation made them more likely to return to shop at the same retailer. Timing, it seems, is also important, with 45% of UK consumers using recommendations because they are presented at the right time in the decision-making process. There’s more detail from the study here.

It seems to me that both of these two stories have something to tell us about personalisation and its impact on UK consumers.

Click here to read the full article.

Retail Systems – UK leads the way in personalisation

The UK leads the rest of Europe in the adoption and usage of personalisation technology when shopping online, according to a study released by IDC and RichRelevance.

The study, which surveyed 1,000 consumers in the UK, Germany and France, investigated how shoppers utilise personalised services in their purchasing choices and online shopping habits. Personalisation is most advanced in the UK, with 53 per cent citing personalised product recommendations as clearly relevant to their purchasing habits compared to four in 10 shoppers in Germany and France.

Not only do recommendations fuel greater spend, they also drive repeat visits. The highest online spenders are also the most likely to respond well to recommendations. Forty per cent of those spending over €600 buy a recommended product. In the UK 26 per cent of consumers also said that recommendations would make them more likely to shop at the same retailer again.

Click here to read the full article.

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