iMedia Connection – How to Measure and Influence Brand Awareness Online

Whether a product sells online or not, its presence there can give a huge boost to overall sales. But how do you know which tactics work best? RichRelevance provides some insights into gauging effectiveness.

RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley and Sr. Market Analyst Sean Pfister shared how brands can measure and influence awareness online at the recent iMedia Brand Summit.

Read the full article here.

Inside RichRelevance’s Epic Holiday Party #CoolAsIce

It all started with a cheesy holiday party invitation featuring cartoon-style ice skaters carving the words, “Cool As Ice” on a pristine San Francisco winter day (meteorologically impossible to freeze anything outdoor in SF, let alone an entire body of water).

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Under the Hood @RichRelevance’s First Hack Week

RichRelevance hosted its first official Hack Week last week, and I challenged our engineers with a few simple rules before they embarked on unleashing their inner creativity to dig into their personal projects.

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RichRelevance CMO to Moderate Personalization Panel at Online Merchandising Workshop

Diane Kegley joins Office Depot and evo to discuss how personalization has evolved to meet the increasingly sophisticated online shopper.

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Q&A with Envirosell CEO Paco Underhill and RichRelevance CEO Dave Selinger on the Future of Shopping

Paco Underhill, retail expert and author, reveals the influences behind purchasing decisions and RichRelevance CEO David Selinger explains how his technology for retailers is staying relevant with the emergence of mobile, local and social.

Q: You’re the author of the global bestselling book ‘Why We Buy’. How did you become an expert in the psychology and science of shopping?
Envirosell, the firm I founded, is the principal testing agency for prototype stores and bank branches in the world. We have studied shopping and circulation patterns for more than 25 years.

Q: In your research what three things most often influence a purchasing decision?
First is the perception of value: is what I am considering worth the amount of money I am being asked to spend? Second, how does what I am buying fit into both the needs I have, or anticipated impact I am looking for? And third, is the experience of shopping one that complements both the goods I am considering, and my concept of self?

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RichRelevance to Host “Future of Shopping” Event in New York City

Program headlined by best-selling author and retail expert Paco Underhill in conversation with veteran and RichRelevance CEO David Selinger

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Re-cap and Insights from Future of Shopping in London

London may be gearing up to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee but here at RichRelevance UK, we’re still riding high on the momentum from last week’s Future of Shopping event!

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Meet Today’s Super Consumer: She’s Redefining The Future of Shopping

We are in the midst of a technological revolution affecting everything about the shopping process: the simultaneous explosion of social, mobile and local technologies. It is in these transition points where our business decisions have the most impact—where companies are made and lost.

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