Consumers Use Siri, Alexa for Daily Tasks, Not Shopping

Don’t underestimate the power of a good search bar. According to a survey conducted by personalization platform RichRelevance, consumers continue to opt for good, old-fashioned search functions for their shopping experiences — not voice-activated assistants like Apple’s …

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70% have not tried voice-assisted shopping

A recent RichRelevance survey shows that search capabilities are an important element for online shopping, yet retailers are struggling to make this a positive experience across all devices. Especially in the realm of voice-assisted shopping, consumers are skeptical of using this method for beginning the shopping journey.

Yet search is such an integral part of the shopping experience, as sessions using search account for almost half, 45%, of all e-commerce revenue. And as Mike Ni, CMO of RichRelevance says, “commerce has risen to the top of retail buzz,” but voice search is still in its infancy. 

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Study: For voice shopping, Google Assistant edges ahead of Amazon Alexa

RichRelevance’s survey suggests that voice-enabled shopping is still in its infancy, and that consumers still feel more comfortable with being able to see images of products before making a purchase. Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft should be discouraged at survey results that show 63% of consumers don’t expect them to “eventually get it right” when it comes to voice-enabled shopping.

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Study: For voice shopping, Google Assistant edges ahead of Amazon Alexa

RichRelevance’s survey suggests that voice-enabled shopping is still in its infancy, and that consumers still feel more comfortable with being able to see images of products before making a purchase. Tech giants like Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft should be discouraged at survey results that show 63% of consumers don’t expect them to “eventually get it right” when it comes to voice-enabled shopping. But at least a younger generation of shoppers shows more willingness to use voice search. Almost half (43%) of people ages 18 to 29 have used voice search, compared with 30% overall. Young adults said they use Apple Siri (20%), Google Assistant (17%) and Amazon Alexa (11%) to shop.

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Study Shows Americans Are Skeptical of Voice-Assisted Shopping

RichRelevance, a provider of experience personalization, released the results of its second annual survey on how U.S. consumers search for and find products online. The survey shows that commerce search remains very important to consumers when shopping online, but retailers still struggle to provide an exceptional search experience across devices and touchpoints. And, while shoppers are interested in innovations such as personalized and image search, voice-assisted shopping is still far from mainstream.

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Study Shows Americans Are Skeptical of Voice-Assisted Shopping

RichRelevance, a provider of experience personalization, released the results of its second annual survey on how U.S. consumers search for and find products online. The survey shows that commerce search remains very important to consumers when shopping online, but retailers still struggle to provide an exceptional search experience across devices and touchpoints. And, while shoppers are interested in innovations such as personalized and image search, voice-assisted shopping is still far from mainstream.

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Research Shows How to Increase Online Shopping Sales

Many consumers are shopping with mobile devices. How successful consumers can search on a website increasingly determines whether these shoppers will make a purchase or shop somewhere else. A new survey of consumers reveals important data that underlines the importance of getting search, for mobile and voice assistants right.

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Voice Commerce Holds Promise, Yet Shoppers Are Skeptical

According to a May 2018 survey by RichRelevance, 30% of US internet users have used a voice assistant to look for product information or purchase products—in other words, shop or buy. Google Assistant (13.9%) and Siri (13.1%) had the highest usage for these activities.

Not surprisingly, younger internet users are more likely to shop by voice than the average. The figures for shopping or purchasing via voice rose to 43.3% among ages those ages 18 to 29 and 38.5% for ages 30 to 44.

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