Bloomberg Business Week – What Is a Patent Troll? Congress, Courts Try to Find Out

Nobody likes “patent trolls,” even if they’re not quite sure what they are.

It’s a term without clear definition and yet it’s being used to push Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court right now to curb abusive litigation without damaging a centuries-old system designed to promote advances in science and industry.

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Gigaom – Software at the Supreme Court: A guide to Monday’s blockbuster patent case

On Monday, the Supreme Court will hear arguments over whether a company named Alice Corp can own an “invention” for escrow accounts. While the idea of escrow has been around for centuries, Alice Corp has a patent that describes the concept of using a computer to implement it.

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IPWatchdog – Alice at Court: Stepping Through the Looking Glass of the Merits Briefs in Alice v. CLS Bank

Reading the merits briefs of Alice Corp., CLS Bank and many amici induces the strange feeling that there are multiple, parallel universes operating, and it is hard to know which one you are in. Are you in a universe in which Alice’s claims are for a software invention or a business method?

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Open Letter to Denise Brown and the BPPE

In relation to the VentureBeat article that was recently published, I am sharing a letter that I wrote to the BPPE department and the Lieutenant Governor’s office. Please feel free to copy this letter and send it on to the DCA.

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Remembering John Riedl, Recommender Systems Pioneer

July 15, 2013 was a sad day indeed for all of us involved in recommender systems. John T. Riedl, one of the seminal pioneers of the field, passed away after a prolonged illness. John was an innovator not only in the academic study of Computer Science, but also in its industrial application, and in his concern for its social consequences.

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The Return of #6

After working at RichRelevance for five years, Albert Sunwoo left in 2012 looking for something new and different. Though he loved the culture and work ethic, he was curious to see what else was out there. Stops at two other organizations during this hiatus proved to him that what we have here is not easily found and that the grass is not always greener. Watch his story…

Data Dispatch from Afghanistan: Analysis of One US Major’s Incoming Mail in Bagram

Three months ago, I deployed with the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) to Afghanistan as the Experimental Test Pilot for Task Force Destiny.

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Staying Strong—And Safeguarding Your Data—During Sandy

We continue to think about our customers, friends and families on the east coast as they fight through yet another storm. We’re built to serve you and are here to help in any way you need. You can also make a donation to the Red Cross here.

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