Internet Retailer – Barneys designs a more personalized site search

The upscale chain strives to make it easier for online shoppers to find products and see recommendations.

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Mashable – How Marketing and PR Should Work Together to Reach Customers

In today’s frenzied, hyper-connected environment, a disconnect between science (think data) and art (think communication) can diminish even the most well-intentioned marketing and PR efforts.

By thinking about these things in tandem, and by looking at the intersection between them, we can unlock a treasure trove of useful insights into how we should “manage” customers today.

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Journal Du Net – L’avenir de la grande distribution est sexiste et voici pourquoi

Le marketing est en constante évolution. Les marketers utilisent certains stéréotypes afin de segmenter la clientèle et modéliser les comportements. Ce que l’on peut remarquer aujourd’hui c’est que certains stéréotypes ne prennent pas en compte l’évolution, principalement chez les femmes.

Il faudra désormais tenir compte de l’énorme potentiel du pouvoir d’achat des femmes afin d’élaborer une approche plus spécifique et sophistiquée pour le segment féminin représentant 12 000 milliards de dollars.

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Introducing the new RichRelevance Dashboard

Personalization is what empowers retailers to create a 1-1 relationship with customers online. By tracking engagement and other KPIs, you can quickly take stock of how are you doing with those relationships.

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MyCustomer – Personalisation is possible – so why are few brands doing it well?

The concept of personalisation has its roots in the local stores of old, when the shopkeeper knew each and every one of his customers intimately. It was with this knowledge that he was able to tailor his service and offerings to each of his shoppers, ensuring that their preferred products were always in stock and even recommending new goods based on their preferences.

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Invaluable Partners With RichRelevance to Leverage The Power of Personalization

Personalization solution enables Invaluable to deliver a more relevant, meaningful site experience

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Haufe – Die Zukunft des Einzelhandels ist weiblich

Hauptsache Pink und Glitzer! Marketing-Fachleute verwenden die Geschlechter-Typisierung gerne als universelle Kategorie bei der Segmentierung ihrer Zielgruppen. Produkte für das weibliche Publikum sind daher oft auch Quelle peinlicher Aktionen wie diamanten-besetzter Handyhüllen oder rosa Stifte – deklariert als „für Sie“. Der völlig falsche Weg, meint Gastautor Theo Khoja.

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Journal du Net – Algorithmes de personnalisation : avez-vous pensé à tout ?

De nombreux distributeurs n’accordent pas suffisamment d’importance à la stratégie de personnalisation, et bien souvent, estiment qu’il suffit d’un unique algorithme de recommandation. Voici quatre conseils clés pour une bonne personnalisation, qui montrent aussi que c’est un peu plus complexe…

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