MyRecs: Aligning the stars, setting new, higher standards

Last quarter, we launched MyRecs a “zero-integration” product building on the data and integration of our RichRecs and RichMail products. The results are exciting thus far and are only getting better.

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Making each and every shopping trip unique

Retailing Today just published an article I wrote. In summary, I address how second-generation product recommendations compare to the first-generation in terms of performance, multichannel potential, and personalization quality. The full article is available here. Hope you find helpful!

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BusinessWeek’s Stephen Baker talks to RR Chief Scientist Darren Vengroff.

Stephen Baker, senior writer at BusinessWeek , spoke to richrelevance’s Chief Scientist Darren Vengroff this week for a piece in his BusinessWeek blog, Blogspotting .

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Learning from experience

“There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience.” – Archibald MacLeish

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Lessons Learned From Amazon

As the former head of’s data mining and personalization team, I gained ample wisdom from what the retail giant does right. But I also saw firsthand a few things Amazon didn’t do quite so well, and learned the hard way that even simple mistakes can cost time, sales and brand equity.

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A response to “A Guide to Recommender Systems”

Richard MacManus published a post on ReadWriteWeb on Monday (which was re-published in the NYTimes) titled “A Guide to Recommender Systems;” this post is a reply.

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This Holiday, Sell in the Moment

“As retailers head into what looks to be one of the most challenging holiday seasons on record, many have high hopes that top sellers will drive sales. But promoting “mega trends” like the Tickle Me Elmo or iPod of past holiday seasons won’t necessarily be the best way to drive sales this year, as many cash-strapped consumers forgo big-ticket items for smaller, less expensive gifts. Instead, retailers should take advantage of the technology tools available to them to hone in on the “micro trends” of the season.”

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Merchandising to the Minute

Online consumers are increasingly being bombarded with new sources of information, from Internet news outlets and email, to blogs, instant messages, podcasts, YouTube videos, text messages, and viral marketing campaigns. 

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