Visionary Marketing – Personnalisation En E-Commerce : + 20 À 30 % De CA Pour Amazon ! ( Richrelevance )

La personnalisation des offres est un paramètre de plus en plus important dans le e-commerce, car elle est un facteur de fidélisation du client. En effet, les e-commerçants commencent enfin à comprendre que l’accueil d’un client sur le site Internet est aussi important que l’accueil en magasin. Pour cela, la personnalisation et la recommandation doivent être optimisées, et cela ne se fait pas en une journée… Fabrice Etienne, directeur marketing international à Richrelevance nous a apporté un éclairage sur cette thématique de la personnalisation sur les sites de e-commerce. Read more

L2 – Interview with Diane Kegley of RichRelevance

At L2’s Omnichannel Breakfast, RichRelevance CMO Diane Kegley spoke about a class of informed super-shoppers, who use mobile and online product research to compliment their in-store and e-commerce experience. RichRelevance creates customized omnichannel experiences for more than 175 global brands. Read more

My Customer – Journey mapping essential to omnichannel success, say retailers

Retailers know the importance of delivering an omnichannel experience to their customers, but the processes for doing so are rich and varied from business to business. At the recent Internet Retailing Expo in Birmingham, the topic of how to tackle omnichannel customer experience was central to most seminar discussions. Read more

BBC News – Big data retailing offers tailor-made shopping for all

Imagine everything being known about you the minute you walk in to a department store – your name, measurements, purchase history in-store and online, even your views on life, the universe and everything. Would that make you feel like a celebrity or a victim of intrusive surveillance?

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Mobile Marketing Magazine – Retailers Struggling to Offer a Seamless, Omnichannel Shopping Experience

Organizational, operational and technology challenges are hampering retailers’ efforts to meet customers’ demand for a seamless shopping experience across all channels and touchpoints. That’s the conclusion of a commissioned by Accenture and Hybris Software, a commerce platform provider.

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Internet Retailing – Deep in the DNA

Great service begins with retailers being focused on the customer. But how do retailers keep that focus while dealing with the complexities of omnichannel? Jonathan Wright asks the experts. Read more

Turning Big Data into Smart Data: My Predictions for 2014 in Retail

The Big Data revolution at Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple has transformed the consumer journey across channels, and even helped turn a presidential election. This transition simultaneously poses tremendous challenge and opportunity to retailers.

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Dallas Business Journal – Dallas shoppers average more than $200 online on Thanksgiving

More than a quarter of online sales in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day were made via mobile devices with the average online ticket surpassing $200, according to new information released by RichRelevance.

The San Francisco-based company used data that viewed shopping behavior from 100 websites on Thanksgiving Day. In Dallas, mobile sales accounted for 25.7 percent of total sales, while in Houston’s accounted for 22.2 percent and Austin’s accounted for 15.8 percent.

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