Cosmetics Business – Lancôme delivers hyper-personalised retail experience

L’Oréal-owned Lancôme has partnered with omnichannel personalisation company RichRelevance to deliver what is being called ‘a breakthrough in online beauty’.

The technology involves Lancôme’s website and facilitates a hyper-personalised retail experience. When a consumer selects a product on Lancôme’s website, they will immediately see that product applied on a model with a similar skin tone to their own.

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Retail Times – Lancôme gets personal with curated, complete looks powered by RichRelevance

Lancôme, the world’s largest beauty brand, has partnered with RichRelevance, the global leader in omni-channel personalisation, to deliver a breakthrough in online beauty – a complete, personalised look curated for each shopper based on her individual preferences and Lancôme’s unique expertise.

“Lancôme is committed to constant innovation to exceed our customers’ desires,” said Alessio Rossi, VP, interactive and e-business marketing at Lancôme USA. “RichRelevance allows us to instantly combine consumer signals with expert advice on what is most flattering to individual skin tones – and show a complete, personalised look. The result is that we can now offer the same level of outstanding service and expertise online that we provide shoppers at the counter, and support a seamless customer experience at every Lancôme touchpoint.”

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Retail Gazette – Lancôme to deliver omnichannel personalisation

Beauty brand Lancôme has partnered with RichRelevance, an omnichannel personalisation specialist, to deliver a breakthrough in online beauty – a complete, personalised look tailored to each shopper based on their individual preferences and Lancôme’s expertise.

“Lancôme is committed to constant innovation to exceed our customers’ desires,” said Alessio Rossi, VP, Interactive and E-Business Marketing at Lancôme USA.

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Chain Store Age – Barneys gets closer to the customer

New York – For the upscale, 33-store Barneys New York, customer experience is everything. Affluent shoppers buying high-priced merchandise have certain expectations beyond the availability of quality items, regardless of channel they choose.

“We want every customer to have an online experience personalized to their taste profile, preference and geography, just as we would do in our flagship stores,” Matthew Woolsey, executive VP of Barneys digital, told Chain Store Age.

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Marketing Tech – Why personalising the customer experience is key to winning the retail battle

According to Gartner, 89% of marketing leaders expect customer experience will be the primary basis for competitive differentiation by 2017. Customer experience is fast becoming the key battleground where retailers vie for our attention and wallets.

With instant access to pricing and product information, shoppers can switch between retailers in a heartbeat. Today’s consumer is more discerning than ever before, with higher expectations than ever before. As a result, retailers find themselves in a race to provide an increasingly smooth, engaging and personalised shopping experience.

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Information Age – What the retail sector can learn from London Fashion Week's tech innovation

This season’s London Fashion Week showcased some flamboyant fashion- and equally dazzling examples of omnichannel, personalised digital marketing strategies.
Every season, the illustrious London Fashion Week gets more high tech as retailers seek to make the show an interactive, omnichannel brand experience.

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Salon Magazine – BLOG: 2015 retail technology predictions from RichRelevance

RichRelevance is the global leader in omnichannel personalisation. Ranked number one for personalisation in both the US and EMEA, RichRelevance is used by more than 200 multinational companies to create a data-centric, single view of the shopper, delivering the most relevant experiences across web, mobile and in store.
Graeme Collins, head of marketing EMEA at RichRelevance, offers his predictions on what retailers can expect to see in customer experience management in 2015.
The biggest trend in customer experience management in 2015 has been mostly focused on customer personas, rather than portfolios. It is increasingly critical for retailers to innovate customer experience to keep shoppers engaged. Only by serving the changing needs, preferences and behaviour of the customer, will retailers and brands be able to meet today’s hyper-connected consumers on their terms, across all channels of interaction.

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Digital Marketing Blog Europe – Le salon NRF à New-York comme si vous y étiez par Catherine Barba

Du 11 au 14 jan­vier, Cather­ine Barba par­ticipe au NRF Big Retail Show, le plus grand salon mon­dial du retail, sorte de CES East coast pour le com­merce. 25 000 par­tic­i­pants, des mil­liers de stands, des dizaines de pan­els, con­férences et autres ate­liers autour du futur du com­merce : de quoi faire un sacré plein de nou­veautés, d’innovations et de bonnes idées ! Adobe l’a chargée d’une mis­sion très spé­ciale : y tra­quer pour eux le meilleur des inno­va­tions e-commerce et retail, les ten­dances mar­ket­ing 2015, les nou­veaux ser­vices pour booster la sat­is­fac­tion client en ligne ou sur point de vente, les start-ups qui décoiffent.

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